Stephen James är ett fricking genius, till skillnad från min pappa som anser att the office är "för dumt ibland alltså". Extras är great precis som the office.
-You know I've been looking into that but it's a bit tricky 'cause these people are in Los Angeles
-So?! You've got a phone!
-Yeah it's complicated though 'cause it's like.. It took me two days to realize that they are 8 hours ahead
-They're behind
-Are they? That explains quite alot.
-You know I've been looking into that but it's a bit tricky 'cause these people are in Los Angeles
-So?! You've got a phone!
-Yeah it's complicated though 'cause it's like.. It took me two days to realize that they are 8 hours ahead
-They're behind
-Are they? That explains quite alot.